FS 寄存器 笔记

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FS:[0x00]  Win9x and NT Current SEH frame
FS:[0x04]  Win9x and NT Top of stack
FS:[0x08]  Win9x and NT Current bottom of stack
FS:[0x10]  NT Fiber data
FS:[0x14]  Win9x and NT Arbitrary data slot
FS:[0x18]  Win9x and NT Linear address of TIB(TEB--- 也叫做线程信息块 TIB)
FS:[0x20]  NT Process ID
FS:[0x24]  NT Current thread ID
FS:[0x2C]  Win9x and NT Linear address of the thread local storage array
FS:[0x30]  Pointer to PEB
FS:[0x34]  NT Current error number
FS:[0x38]  CountOfOwnedCriticalSections
FS:[0x3c]  CsrClientThread
FS:[0x40]  Win32ThreadInfo
FS:[0x44]  Win32ClientInfo[0x1f]
FS:[0xc0]  WOW32Reserved
FS:[0xc4]  CurrentLocale
FS:[0xc8]  FpSoftwareStatusRegister
FS:[0xcc]  SystemReserved1[0x36]
FS:[0x1a4] Spare1
FS:[0x1a8] ExceptionCode
FS:[0x1ac] SpareBytes1[0x28]
FS:[0x1d4] SystemReserved2[0xA]
FS:[0x6dc] gdiRgn
FS:[0x6e0] gdiPen
FS:[0x6e4] gdiBrush
FS:[0x6e8] CLIENT_ID
FS:[0x6f0] GdiCachedProcessHandle
FS:[0x6f4] GdiClientPID
FS:[0x6f8] GdiClientTID
FS:[0x6fc] GdiThreadLocaleInfo
FS:[0x700] UserReserved[5]
FS:[0x714] glDispatchTable[0x118]
FS:[0xb74] glReserved1[0x1A]
FS:[0xbdc] glReserved2
FS:[0xbe0] glSectionInfo
FS:[0xbe4] glSection
FS:[0xbe8] glTable
FS:[0xbec] glCurrentRC
FS:[0xbf0] glContext
FS:[0xbf8] StaticUnicodeString
FS:[0xc00] StaticUnicodeBuffer[0x105]
FS:[0xe0c] DeallocationStack
FS:[0xe10] TlsSlots[0x40]
FS:[0xf10] TlsLinks
FS:[0xf18] Vdm
FS:[0xf1c] ReservedForNtRpc
FS:[0xf20] DbgSsReserved[0x2]
FS:[0xf28] HardErrorDisabled
FS:[0xf2c] Instrumentation[0x10]
FS:[0xf6c] WinSockData
FS:[0xf70] GdiBatchCount
FS:[0xf74] Spare2
FS:[0xf78] Spare3
FS:[0xf7c] Spare4
FS:[0xf80] ReservedForOle
FS:[0xf84] WaitingOnLoaderLock
FS:[0xf88] StackCommit
FS:[0xf8c] StackCommitMax
FS:[0xf90] StackReserve